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Review: Skin Food Rice Mask Wash Off


We're back again and today I'm gonna igve a review about this Rice Mask Wash Off by Skin Food. This mask currently my holygrail (neomu neomu cheowa). Let's start the review!

What it claims:

A wash-off mask containing rice extract that moisturizes skin and brightens tone. With its texture of ground rice, it give a skin soft, bright and lustrous

My Honest Review:

1. And YES! it really works on my skin . I can see the different of my skintone and it also reduce my dullness. I means my skintone not become like 'snow white' but I can see my face look more fresh/healthy than before, less dullness, soft and a bit glowing (bcs my mother and sister noticed it). 

2.Arahan suruh pakai twice or thrice a week but Aqish pakai hari - hari lolz. Kalau rajin I'll use it twice a day lewls. Why I used it everyday? bcs it doesnt dry my skin, my skin feels more supple , soft and moist after apply this mask. So that's why lah Aqish berani pakai hari - hari.

3.For the skintone result you can see maybe after you rinse off the mask for the first time or after a few times penggunaan. Untuk result yang lama or ketara paling cepat around 3 weeks. I pakai benda ni setiap hari and kadang2 dua kali sehari and I can see t result around 3 weeks. memang best and I'm highly recommended this product for those who looking for product that can reduce your dullness.

  • 100gm for daily use is not enough😅
  • Susah nak jumpa/beli sebab kebanyakan jual online so siapa yg tak suka beli online susahlah.
  • To see the result you need to be calm bcs it take a bit long time espcially for those yang medium to tanned skintone. (I'm medium skintone and warm undertone)
My Rate:


Where to purchase this item?:

You can grab it at Watsons (but only several watsons ada jual ni) , Guardian (pun sama je macam watsons and jarang jual yang rice mask punya), Hermo, Shopee, Online shop.

Everyone has different skin so everyone probably will experience the different. I gave a review base on my experience :)
